Basbina Project

  • Basbina, Batroun


    Basbina, Batroun
  • 643,000 sqm


    643,000 sqm
  • On Hold


    On Hold
  • Client

    Debbane Group
  • Type

    Urban Project
  • Consulting Landscape Architect


We all want to live in a landscaped neighbourhood, and at Basbina we are reversing the typical system employed in urban planning by first creating a large forest and only then commencing construction.

The landscape becomes the primary exchange between the people and the built so, as a first intervention, we will start planting zones and only after this will we construct – this is an order that enables us to start drawing the neighbourhood through its landscape.  A mixture between the existing natural forest and a cultivated landscape will be divided zonally: Forest Zone, Outdoor Activities Zone, Agriculture Zone, Fruit Trees Zone, Olive Trees Zone, Grape Zone, Rural Zone, Lake Zone and Villa Zone. Each zone delivers a specific mood directly related to the planting type and system; it adapts to the topography and the views. Covering 643,000 sqm, Basbina’s net built up area of 224,632 sqm is comfortably exceeded by its green area of 252,377 sqm.
  • General Mass Plan
    General Mass Plan