• CT House - Faqra, Lebanon

  • HD4 Project - Dubai, UAE

  • Regie Cultural Center - Bucharest, Romania

  • Regie Houses - Bucharest, Romania

  • Kalani Beach Resort - Halat, Lebanon

    We’ve created 5 guest spaces, effectively refuges, along a 220 m sea front. We drew the sea into the site by creating double-height concrete shells giving the effect of a sailing regatta.

  • MW House - Saadiyat, Lebanon

  • MARe Museum - Bucharest, Romania

  • Gruiu House - Gruiu, Romania

  • SC House - Akoura, Lebanon

    Located on a cliff edge and faced in locally hewn stone, SC Villa delivers a sense of direct emergence from the mountain. We enhanced this feeling by erasing all visual connection with the ground.

  • Kea House - Kea, Greece

  • VR House- Ajaltoun, Lebanon

    The topographical disposition of this site led to a somewhat counterintuitive approach: to view the site as one would a highly structured piece of architecture.

  • ED House - Faqra, Lebanon

  • A599 Project - Achrafieh, Lebanon

    A residential building on a triangular site at the intersection of two busy Beirut streets, questions how we inhabit the urban environment.



  • SC House

    Located on a cliff edge and faced in locally hewn stone, SC Villa delivers a sense of direct emergence from the mountain. We enhanced this feeling by erasing all visual connection with the ground. Read More
  • T House

    Challenging the relationship of architecture within its environment, at surface level our work offers little impression of itself, yet below encompasses three strata of expansive livable concrete space. Read More
  • BLF Disaster Center

    An emergency data processing bunker for one of Lebanon's leading banks, where the duality between a brutal exterior and the inviting common interior essence reflects our rethinking around a contemporary disaster center. Read More
  • Kalani Beach

    For this resort hotel, we created 5 guest spaces, effectively refuges, along a 220 meters sea front. We drew the sea into the site by creating double-height concrete shells giving the effect of a sailing regatta.  Read More
  • MARe Museum

    Here, the process consisted of demolishing the original brick structure and then reconstructing it in black concrete. Read More

Currently ongoing

In the press

YTAA in the media

Reflecting interest in our work and a growing number of calls from local press and specialist global architectural media, we’re delighted to have shared our stories, passion and inspiration. A selection of coverage can be read below.
  • Intimacies - March 2022

    The book documents twelve of the firm's projects - from a single-family home to a museum, including urban interventions in Beirut, Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and Bucharest. The book also includes an essay that takes a comprehensive and sensitive look at the working methods of this firm, focusing in particular on the dimension of time and the changes that occur as the buildings are used. Read More
  • Habiter Autrement - April 2021

    "Construire au Liban, quelle que soit la nature de la commande, revêt toujours une dimension éminemment politique. C'est la conviction profonde de Youssef Tohme, pour qui édifier un campus universitaire à Beyrouth ou une spacieuse maison dans un village procède de la même intention dans un pays où l'instabilité est la norme. A Kornet Chehouane, l'architecte franco-libanais a réalisé la Villa T, laquelle déconstruit l'idée du luxe par une architecture qui relève moins d'une maison que d'une infrastructure habitable." Read More
  • A&C Magazine - Feb 2020

    "How to produce architecture in a city described by its destructions, where the population has so long been diminished in its power of memory and its individuality?" In this situation of discontinuity, it is a question of awakening the gaze: Convene history as a topical news. It's a strong act, a political act that the French-Lebanese architecture firm YTAA proposes to question. Read More
  • D' Architectures - February 2019

    "Comment produire de l'architecture dans une ville où la population a si longtemps été brimée dans son pouvoir de mémoire et dans son individualité?" s'interroge Youssef Tohme. Dans cette situation de discontinuité, il s'agit pour lui de réveiller le regard: convoquer le passé et l'histoire comme une actualité, et envisager l'architecture comme une production aussi sosciale que symbolique. Read More
  • Selections Magazine - September 2016

    “Our design for Brazza allows for evolution,” says Elrouss. “It puts the human being in the centre of the city and is part of nature. It creates liberty.” More than that, Brazza will serve as a glorious example for all of France…” Read More
  • Le Figaro - June 2016

    “Youssef Tohme – The Visionary Architect. He succeeded in winning the confidence of the Bordeaux authorities thanks to the magnificent design of the University of Saint Joseph in Beirut”. Read More


YTAA Talks

From time to time we’re invited to speak on a range of architectural topics. A selection of recent coverage can be viewed below.
  • Où est le Beau - 2023

    Youssef Tohme talks about an architecture that listens to the present, between intimacies and alterities, in the French podcast "Où est le Beau".
  • Intimacies - 2022

    Youssef Tohme presents his work “Intimacies"