VR House

  • Ajaltoun, Lebanon


    Ajaltoun, Lebanon
  • 2,000 sqm


    2,000 sqm
  • Completed 2011-2016


    Completed 2011-2016
  • Type

  • Consulting Structural Engineer

    Nabil Hennaoui S.A.L
  • Consulting Mechanical Engineer

    Roger Kazopoulo
  • Built Area

    1800 sqm
  • Consulting Electrical Engineer

    Gilbert Tambourgi
  • Project and Cost Management

    Charles E. Maroun Consult
  • General Concrete Contractorc

    Hakime Entreprise
  • General Finishing Contractor

    Hakime Entreprise
  • Client


The topographical disposition of this site, with a 25-meter difference between the road and its lowest point, led to a somewhat counterintuitive approach: to view the site as one would a highly structured piece of architecture.

The structure itself was then imagined as a plot with gentle contours. Two expansive roofs, rather like vast sheets, seemingly insubstantial yet solid, trace the outlines of two floors, with living areas on the lower level and bedrooms upstairs. The pre-stressed white concrete structure is taken to the limit of its flexibility. From within, the roof appears to split and crack, letting natural light in through the openings.

  • Site Plan
    Site Plan
  • Mass Plan
    Mass Plan
  • Ground Floor Plan
    Ground Floor Plan
  • First Floor Plan
    First Floor Plan