In the Press

YTAA in the Media

Reflecting interest in our work and a growing number of calls from local press and specialist global architectural media, we’re delighted to have shared our stories, passion and inspiration. A selection of coverage can be read below.
  • Intimacies

    Intimacies - March 2022

    The book documents twelve of the firm's projects - from a single-family home to a museum, including urban interventions in Beirut, Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and Bucharest. The book also includes an essay that takes a comprehensive and sensitive look at the working methods of this firm, focusing in particular on the dimension of time and the changes that occur as the buildings are used.Read more
  • Habiter Autrement

    Habiter Autrement - April 2021

    "Construire au Liban, quelle que soit la nature de la commande, revêt toujours une dimension éminemment politique. C'est la conviction profonde de Youssef Tohme, pour qui édifier un campus universitaire à Beyrouth ou une spacieuse maison dans un village procède de la même intention dans un pays où l'instabilité est la norme. A Kornet Chehouane, l'architecte franco-libanais a réalisé la Villa T, laquelle déconstruit l'idée du luxe par une architecture qui relève moins d'une maison que d'une infrastructure habitable."Read more
  • A&C Magazine

    A&C Magazine - Feb 2020

    "How to produce architecture in a city described by its destructions, where the population has so long been diminished in its power of memory and its individuality?"
    In this situation of discontinuity, it is a question of awakening the gaze: Convene history as a topical news. It's a strong act, a political act that the French-Lebanese architecture firm YTAA proposes to question.Read more
  • D' Architectures

    D' Architectures - February 2019

    "Comment produire de l'architecture dans une ville où la population a si longtemps été brimée dans son pouvoir de mémoire et dans son individualité?" s'interroge Youssef Tohme. Dans cette situation de discontinuité, il s'agit pour lui de réveiller le regard: convoquer le passé et l'histoire comme une actualité, et envisager l'architecture comme une production aussi sosciale que symbolique.Read more
  • The Inventory Beirut

    The Inventory Beirut - March 2017

    “As an architect, the relationship between order and chaos is what makes Beirut a platform for experimentation. It forces you to take one position, a starting point, beyond which we have the liberty to experiment. It delivers a positive impact on architecture.”Read more
  • Selections Magazine

    Selections Magazine - September 2016

    “Our design for Brazza allows for evolution,” says Elrouss. “It puts the human being in the centre of the city and is part of nature. It creates liberty.” More than that, Brazza will serve as a glorious example for all of France…”Read more
  • Le Figaro

    Le Figaro - June 2016

    “Youssef Tohme – The Visionary Architect. He succeeded in winning the confidence of the Bordeaux authorities thanks to the magnificent design of the University of Saint Joseph in Beirut”.Read more
  • Elle Decoration

    Elle Decoration - March / April 2016

    “Villa T, a building almost without a surface, almost without walls and thus without limits. A beautiful work designed Youssef Tohme - a gem to be added to the valuable list of radical dreams made real by the master of concrete architecture.”Read more
  • Platform

    Platform - January 2016

    “Provactive, it surprises inhabitants with its interpretation of the landscape. With no outer skin, no envelope, it seems no more than an interior, all the more stunning for the way it creates apparently seamless interaction with the exterior.”Read more
  • Domus

    Domus - November 2015

    “…YTAA is reconstructing an extensive part of Bordeaux’ right bank by following the principles of reappraisal, reclamation and rehabilitation applied to a former industrial zone…”Read more
  • D'architectures

    D'architectures - July / August 2015

    “On a mountainside overlooking the city, the view towards the sea impressive; with Beirut to the left and scanning to the right, northwards, up to Byblos."Read more
  • Executive Life

    Executive Life - Summer 2015

    “A good project can’t be done without a good client. It’s always a dialogue”, Tohme says. “At the same time, there’s something interesting, which is that we know how to adapt ourselves, because we live in a society that’s always afraid of disappearing”.Read more
  • L'Orient-Le Jour

    L'Orient-Le Jour - June 2015

    ""La médaille de l’urbanisme" was awarded to Youssef Tohme. Another milestone in the career of this architect who refuses to stop and instead continues to rise."Read more
  • Archistorm

    Archistorm - May / June 2015

    “…the challenge was not to arrive at a new response to secure themselves a place in the story, but instead to ask “where do we live?”Read more